
Hi, I’m Kali, AKA The Crafty Kobold! Welcome to my hoard of ideas and musings on embroidery- mostly cross-stitch.

I’ve been cross-stitching on and off for years, mostly working with patterns other people made, or sort of just fumbling along on my own. This pattern was made by @shitpostsampler over on Tumblr!

I also actually sew physical objects too, mostly things like dice bags. But cross-stitch and other embroidery projects will always be where my heart really lies.

My largest project ever- and one I’m still working on- is a massive 20+ inch Avatar: the Last Airbender tapestry. It features metallic thread and distinct background patterns for each nation, and I’ve been working on it for roughly a year now! You can probably expect at least a few updates when I hit certain milestones.

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